Explore how to add a personal touch, preserve your brand voice, and integrate human expertise into AI-generated content. While 72% of B2B marketers use generative AI for content creation, 61% lack clear guidelines. This can lead to a host of issues.

While AI offers remarkable efficiency in content creation, achieving the right balance between its convenience and the authenticity only humans can provide is still a work in progress. Here are three straightforward strategies to humanize your AI-generated content.

1. Use AI as an Assistant, Not a Creator

It’s tempting to rely on AI to produce entire articles or web pages with minimal input. However, this often results in content that needs extensive editing to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Consider the risks if many websites start using AI-generated content. The information could be flawed if the AI’s data is outdated or overrun with other AI-generated content. Google has already addressed these concerns with its spam policies.

As Futurism.com points out, AI models trained on synthetic data can produce “inbred” outputs with increasingly poor quality. To avoid this, AI should be used as a tool rather than a replacement. For example, let AI assist with the following:

  • Initial research
  • Generating content ideas
  • Developing content outlines
  • Suggesting keywords
  • Proofreading
  • Providing writing tips
  • Creating text chunks for fact-checking and expansion

Treat AI as a supportive tool rather than a complete solution to harness its efficiency while maintaining content quality. Embrace AI for tasks like initial research, idea generation, and content outlining, but ensure human oversight is integral to the process. This balanced approach allows you to benefit from AI’s capabilities without compromising the accuracy and authenticity of your content.

2. Edit for Tone, Expertise, and Authenticity

AI-generated content can lack your brand’s unique voice and perspective. To make it resonate as “you,” focus on these aspects:

Review the Tone

AI often struggles with matching your tone, resulting in overly formal or awkward text. Spend time editing to ensure it sounds natural and aligns with your brand’s style.

Watch for AI Patterns

AI-generated content can have telltale signs, such as repetitive phrases and unnatural syntax. Read the content out loud to check for natural flow and make necessary adjustments.

Incorporate Expertise

AI can produce generic content but lacks nuanced understanding. Ensure someone with subject matter expertise reviews and refines the content to ensure accuracy and relevance.

To truly reflect your brand, refine AI-generated content by adjusting the tone to match your style, eliminating repetitive or unnatural phrasing, and incorporating expert insights for accuracy. This approach ensures that your content maintains its authenticity and effectively resonates with your audience.

3. Add Unique Human Elements

AI can generate text but can’t replicate the unique touches that make content truly engaging. Consider adding the following:

Case Studies

Share real-world examples from your business to enhance credibility and demonstrate practical applications of your concepts.

Statistics and Quotes

Enrich your content with interesting statistics and quotes from credible sources to add depth and support your points.

Images and Videos

Custom visuals can make content more engaging. Use tools like Canva for custom graphics, include third-party data visualizations, or embed relevant videos. Consider using GIFs, infographics, or tables to support your content visually.

AI can generate text but can’t match the unique elements that make content engaging. Enhance your content with real-world case studies, compelling statistics and quotes, and custom visuals like graphics and videos to make it stand out and connect with your audience.

Leverage AI as a Support Tool, Not a Complete Solution

By combining these approaches, you can maintain AI’s efficiency while ensuring your content remains authentic and valuable. Treat AI as a supportive tool rather than a complete solution, and you’ll create content that stands out in a sea of machine-generated noise.

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