EP 275 – Melanie Herschorn – How Publishing a Book Can Transform Your Legal Career

Melanie Herschorn is the Founder of VIP Book Marketing & Publishing.

Melanie wants to help you step into your spotlight as an authority. As a publisher and book marketing strategist for attorneys of boutique law firms, she’s on a mission to support and empower them to share their message with those who need to hear it most.

Her experience as a celebrity publicist, award-winning journalist, and long-time entrepreneur gives Melanie a unique 360-degree view to guide her clients to create brand awareness, sell books, bolster client acquisition, and position themselves as subject matter experts.

Connect with Melanie on LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/melanie-herschorn/

Visit VIP Book Marketing & Publishinghttps://yourbigimpactbook.com/

Melanie’s BookMake a Big Impact with Your Book: Author Marketing Strategies for Long-Term Success

On This Episode, We Discuss…

  • Tips for Writing, Publishing, and Promoting a Book
  • Overcoming Common Obstacles in the Publishing Process
  • How to Use Your Book to Create New Revenue Streams and Attract High-quality Clients
  • Steps to Leverage Your Book for Marketing Opportunities