How Often Does a Business Need to Blog?
Blogs – a term that has been around for as long as we can remember, but the definition and importance of it has changed so much. Once something only within the realm of angsty teenagers and amateur aficionados, blogs have turned into the content hub and voice of many businesses online. Blogs have facilitated political […]
What is Webmaster Tools and Do I Need It?
Webmaster Tools essentially is a free web service offered by Google that assists in monitoring the index status of a website, ultimately leading to better visibility on search engines. Do you need it? Yes. Getting it can be as simple as giving it to your webmaster, but if you aren’t able to do that, we […]
Do Online Business Directories Really Work?
Directories like YP and technically Yelp all typically depend on the industry, and depend on if you’re receiving an adequate return on investment for being on them. Some can range from as little as 20 dollars a month, with the directories with larger exposure moving into the hundreds. Though this blog isn’t about specifically EXACTLY […]
A Few SEO Agency Red Flags
Let me preface by saying that I’m not insinuating at any point that the size of a company correlates inversely with the quality of the product they produce. Though it is easy to point it out in some situations (mass produced beer and food), if businesses are managed well on a micro level, there’s no […]
13 Ways You Can Make the Most Out of Your Blog
You may be at a crossroads with your blog and thinking “is this is even worth my time to write, worth the time an employee to write, or even worth the money I pay someone else to write for it.” I assure you that it is worth it on many standpoints – from generating more […]
So Really, How Long Does it Take to Rank?
Understandably, this is one of the most common questions asked by individuals and business owners that are pursuing a consultant or SEO company to handle their online marketing. After considering some solid ways of choosing a company and seeing if there were different ways you could do it yourself, you’ll come to a point where […]
Should I Have an E-Newsletter?
We had a client recently asking us if it was worth the time and effort to arrange for a newsletter that was worthwhile. The short answer is, yes it is almost beneficial if you have a mailing list. Your newsletter isn’t going to be a game-changer, but it is going to be one of those […]
5 SEO Tips I Learned Over Five Years of Being an SEO
Like many things in life, there is a sort of ‘law of diminishing returns’ when it comes to SEO (at least I feel). You will see a significant amount of progress if you focus in one area, like in-depth website analysis or adjustments to your PPC campaign. But you can overdo it – meticulous scrutiny […]
The Timeless Battle of Figuring Out What People Really Like
One of the first SEO guys I worked for instilled the virtue “Never build a website based on what you like”, which seems somewhat counter-intuitive, but you’ll never believe the the kind of stuff your potential clients really like. It often takes a lot of time, a lot of testing, and a lot of asking […]
A Few Things SEOs Say That I Cringe About…and Why
SEO and digital marketing isn’t a whimsical, idyllic, heavenly park where everyone is dancing around on clouds and wearing white hats preaching “Just write good content! Share it on social…ENGAGE…and everything is going to be OKKKK!!!” I’m sure that’s what your competitors want you to believe that have been ahead of you for a long […]
Knowing When to No Index, No Follow Pages
We have a good number of clients that ask us the same thing, in basically this fashion: “Hey I really like this page on this other website – can you just put it on our website”. Where I almost always respond, sure. At this point, you could really do one of two things: either […]
Five Reasons Legal Marketing is so Difficult
I’ve been doing tons of legal marketing for over ten years now and out of most industries, legal marketing is straight up difficult. There are many factors the contribute to this fact, so we’ll be going over in detail what truly makes this is a tough industry to stand out in unless you have the […]