Maintaining a Strategy for Reviews Remains a Consistent Priority

5-Star Reviews

Update 10/14/20 As the year progresses, more and more attorneys have trouble getting consistent law firm reviews for their law firms, especially when people are overly critical about the professional services that they are seeking.  It is important to be proactive, and have a plan in place for getting attorney reviews at the very least, […]

5 Interesting Enhancements in SERPs and How to Do Them Yourself

SERPs results

5 Interesting Enhancements in SERPs and How to Do Them Yourself There haven’t been too many shakeups in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) as far as what placements are available (4 Ads on Top, 3 in Maps, 10 Organic, a few more Ads on the bottom) for Google, but the results themselves continue to become […]

Gauging Intent Across Marketing Channels During COVID-19 (and any future crisis)

marketing research

COVID-19 has impacted nearly every industry in its own unique and disheartening way. The virus’s immediate impact is magnified by shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders that affect businesses differently depending on the industries they serve, and the states in which they are located. Some businesses, like medical offices, grocery stores, pharmacies, and others are deemed “essential” […]

Automating Your SEO in 2021

With additional free time the past 2 months, there has been time to start new projects in anticipation of “The New Normal”, as well as finish projects that have been outstanding from last year.  Among those projects were automation projects that will eventually save time indefinitely. Automation in the marketing world is essentially setting up […]

How Business Review Importance Surged Because of COVID and Where it Stands Today

5-Star Reviews

Updated 5/24/2022 How Business Review Importance Surged Because of COVID and Where it Stands Today The past two years have dramatically changed consumer behavior, and though that may not seem shocking to some, the numbers that back this up are very interesting.  If you read through this article, which has been updated periodically for years […]

10 Reasons Your On-Page Content Isn’t Working

In our previous article about why your proactive link building may not be working, we uncovered 10 reasons you might not be taking the best approach. Spending time and money on links for them to build zero authority is extremely frustrating, and through that article, you should be able to identify at least 99% of […]

10 Types of Content You Could Execute Right Now

A solid content strategy is the reason for most underlying success when building up your presence online. We can recognize the following convention architecture for most websites, in this case law firms: Home Page About Us -> The Team -> The Lawyers Practice Areas Contact Us Even these conventional “must have” pages have evolved in […]

How Reviews Strengthen Google Screened Local Service Ads

google screened ads for lawyers

  With many law firms having their Local Service Ads approval process underway (mostly waiting for the background check to come through – an arguably meaningless process considering regulatory efforts from state and local bars), many lawyers are now wondering what kind of budget they should expect to have, and what else they can be […]

Does Each Page of Content Potentially Rank for Hundreds of Keywords?

When we write content, especially pages, we normally have a focus keyword and a focused goal in mind – “I’m writing this article because I want to get these types of clients/cases.” When we inform our audience about when courts will be opening again to hear their X civil case, are we not only informing […]

Firmly Understand Traffic, Engagement, and Leads

The basis of a great content strategy should have these goals: Getting your website in front of search queries that produce qualified traffic (such as traffic that has to potential to turn into leads). Positioning the law firm as an authority on their respective topics, engaging and educating visitors to the website, and establishing the […]