Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett-Guido, Tanner Mowery, Katie McLoughlin, and Hannah Kernal

When a reader interacts with content on your website, they can get answers to their questions and learn more about your business, which can be valuable. However, the content should also encourage them to take action and contact your law firm or dental office to make an appointment. At Market My Market, our in-house content writers do this with effective call-to-action (CTA) sections at the end of every blog, page, and social media post we write.

With our storybranding approach and a commitment to doing what’s best for our clients, we curate eye-catching and successful CTA sections by clearly explaining how our clients can guide them to their desired outcomes. Our experienced writers also make it easy for readers to take action by including a phone number and contact form in every CTA and inviting social media users to visit our clients’ websites. When you work with our specialized team at Market My Market, you can take your content to the next level and achieve high-quality results.

Hannah Kernal — Content Writer

We encourage readers to take the next step with our clients in many ways. For instance, the Call-to-Action section at the end of each piece we create allows us to highlight what makes a client unique and attuned to a particular job. While many pages and blogs mainly contain helpful information, these informative body paragraphs do not always include information about a company’s offerings.

Explaining how a particular process works does not always provide enough opportunity to discuss a client’s accomplishments. But—with a well-crafted call to action—readers can consider how helpful some expert assistance might be. They can work with a well-educated and experienced individual who knows a lot about specific processes. This individual can help make legal matters less stressful, streamline a treatment plan to take place under one roof, or allow someone in need to feel better understood.

By including a dedicated space for descriptions of the company’s unique qualities, readers better understand the services offered. They also know the company is an excellent resource for helpful explanations, a thought leader in the community, and a potential source of stability and comfort throughout complex circumstances.

Lindsay Bennett-Guido — Content Specialist

At Market My Market, our writers use the Storybranding framework to craft compelling content and CTAs that feel natural and engaging. By leveraging the principles of storytelling, we create CTAs that resonate with your audience’s emotions and motivations. Our approach positions the customer as the hero of their own journey, with your business acting as the guide, offering support and actionable next steps. 

This method helps us craft CTAs that speak directly to the reader’s needs, making contacting your business feel like the natural next step to solving their problem. By clearly defining the issue the reader faces, illustrating the solution, and highlighting both the positive and negative outcomes, we ensure our CTAs invite readers to reach out to someone who can help.

Tanner Mowery — Content Writer

It can be easy to dismiss a CTA as nothing more than a summary paragraph with a phone number thrown in at the bottom of your website’s blog. Readers are likely already only skimming through the blog anyway to find a quick answer to their question, right? While this may be true to a certain extent (MMM has created our brief summary section as an innovative solution to this issue), the CTA still holds a considerable amount of power. 

If executed correctly, the introduction and body sections of your blog or page should have not only given your reader a thorough answer to the question that led them there in the first place but simultaneously made them aware of your business’s services and the unique ways in which you can help them. A well-crafted CTA doesn’t just recap these ways à la a grade-school persuasive essay—it expands upon them, reiterating your business as the ultimate guide to help them out of the situation that dragged them to your website in the first place. In order to keep the momentum going, a well-placed phone number or link to your online contact form can be one of the most effective ways of driving business out there. 

Connect with Market My Market

At Market My Market, we excel at creating content that not only informs but also drives action. Our tailored call-to-actions are designed to highlight your unique strengths, making it easy for potential clients to take the next step. By working with us, you can ensure that your CTAs are not just an afterthought but a powerful tool to convert readers into clients. Our experienced team uses proven techniques to craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience.

When you partner with us, you benefit from our commitment to transparency, real-time reporting, and a customized approach to your needs. We understand that every business is unique, which is why we create individualized marketing plans that focus on your specific goals. Our team’s extensive experience and dedication to delivering high-quality results make us the ideal choice for taking your marketing efforts to the next level. Ready to transform your content and drive more business? Call us at (800) 997-7336 or reach out through our contact form.