Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett-Guido, Tanner Mowery, Haley Green, Katie McLoughlin, and Hannah Kernal 

In the present-day digital landscape, gaining readers’ attention and keeping them interested is more challenging than ever. At Market My Market, our writers understand how important it is to constantly deliver content that is informative, engaging, and easy to read. We have all developed and utilized our own strategic approaches to content structure. Our practices enhance readability and ensure our clients’ messages resonate with their target audiences. 

We’ll delve into the techniques and principles we use to craft compelling, user-friendly content that stands out in the crowded online space. From organizing information into easily digestible pieces to keeping the content interesting, discover how MMM’s content writers create structured content that drives results.

Lindsay Bennett-Guido — Content Specialist

Without a strong skeleton, even engaging and well-written content can fall apart. Understanding which sections to include on your topic and what order to place them on the page can make or break your piece. 

It is essential to organize your content in order of relevancy. For example, if you’re writing a blog titled “What Can I Expect During a Gum Graft Procedure?” you should answer the question in the first section, laying out the details of the procedure for the reader. 

While it may be tempting to put other sections to provide more context first, such as “What is a Gum Graft?” or “Why Would My Doctor Recommend a Gum Graft?”, your reader is here for the answer to their question. Placing the answer front and center can help ensure your readers can find the information they came to read. 

From there, try to think of other questions the reader may have about the topic. This is where the other sections you may have wanted to place above the question become useful. You can structure your content by prioritizing reader intent for maximum readability and engagement. 

Tanner Mowery — Content Writer

The structure of your content is surprisingly important when it comes to the end product. Readability is always in mind when crafting copy—it dictates the words you use, the style, and the voice. It should similarly be impacting the physical structure of your content. 

Large, blocky chunks of text can be intimidating and—dare I say—boring to look at, not to mention read. Phones and tablets have naturally smaller screens and are likely the vessels your potential audience uses to gobble up your blogs and content. With that in mind, your structure should reflect this smaller screen while simultaneously combatting the fear of textbook-style blocks of text. 

Snappy bullet points and smaller, two-three sentence paragraphs are a great way to allow for skimability and a more pleasurable reading experience. Your content can still be well-written, engaging, and thought-leading while physically contorting to be more visually stimulating for a consistently online target audience. 

Learn More About How Market My Market Can Create Readable Content for Your Business

As Market My Market writing experts and content consumers, our in-house specialists understand what keeps readers engaged. Therefore, when approaching blogs, pages, social media, and other content for your business, we consider how the piece’s structure impacts readability. Using techniques such as bulleted lists, short paragraphs, and headers, our writers make your business’s content easy to skim for computer, phone, and tablet users, keeping them on your website longer.

In addition to writing high-quality, compelling content for your business, our professionals are here to help you with strategy and optimization to create personalized plans tailored to your unique needs and goals. To make a major difference for your business, call us at (800) 997-7336 or fill out our contact form to schedule a discovery call.