How to Network at a Marketing Conference

Marketing conferences offer endless opportunities to meet business professionals, talk to influencers, and gain firsthand industry knowledge. Taking advantage of all your conference has to offer is essential to creating lasting relationships and increasing your business’s success. Be sure to know all the tips and tricks to networking at a marketing conference, and boost your business contact potential.

Go Alone

It’s easy to stick with what you know, especially in an unfamiliar setting; but attending a conference in a team is not the way to go. Attending a conference with your friends and coworkers keeps things too comfortable. You’re more likely to go out with your coworkers than to a networking party, which prevents you from networking with the other attendees.

Go alone to your next marketing conference and put yourself in the position where you’re forced to interact with new people. That way, you have no choice but to talk about industry strategies and converse with other business-minded professionals you have yet to meet.

Get to Know the Events & Attendees

Be sure to research the conference you are attending, including scheduled events and confirmed guests before you show up. Doing so can help you identify some key influencers and business leaders that you want to make an effort to talk with.

You should also take time to see if there are any social media channels, hashtags, or specific apps used during the event. If so, take the necessary steps to engage in conversation with other attendees. Doing so maximizes your networking opportunities by allowing you to connect with those you may not be able to find in person.

Identify Specific Goals & Objectives

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of meeting new people and trying to learn new things at a conference, so setting specific goals and objectives beforehand is helpful. Consider what you’d like to learn, who you’d like to meet, and what you’d like to accomplish before the end of the conference. Keep this list and a brief list of questions with you to make sure you’re getting the most out of your networking opportunities.

Schedule Meetings

If you’ve done your research on the event schedule and attendees, you should be fully equipped with the tools to start scheduling meetings. Use the promoted apps to set up face-to-face meetings with multiple people, and put your networking charm to use.

Many conferences also have networking parties scheduled for the attendees. Be sure to stop by and make a point to chat up different people.

Be Approachable

Don’t be that person with their face down on their phone or laptop all day. To successfully network you have to put yourself out there. Look engaged and make eye contact with other attendees. You should appear approachable and open to talking to individuals who may want to speak with you.

It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to limit conversations to business-related topics. It’s okay to discuss non-business matters or to leave the venue for a quick sightseeing session.

Follow Up

Networking does not end when the conference does. Be sure to follow up with any business people or influencers you met in a timely manner post-conference. Connect with the people you met wherever you think makes the most sense, be it email, LinkedIn or another social media platform.

Effectively networking at a marketing conference can help propel your business forward. Having a solid marketing strategy and establishing yourself as a professional is a great way to get people talking to you and make meaningful connections. Market My Market offers a variety of services to help your professional presence grow. We specialize in various aspects of digital marketing and are ready to speak with you. Contact us today at (800) 954-9441 to speak with one of our digital marketing experts.