Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett-Guido, Tanner Mowery, Katie McLoughlin, Haley Green, and Hannah Kernal

Creating compelling dental content is an art and a science. At our core, we understand that effective communication bridges the gap between patient education and business growth. When you convey intricate dental procedures or preventive care tips in a way that captivates and informs, you’re not just sharing knowledge—you’re building trust and converting readers into loyal patients.

Katie McLoughlin — Content Writer

When creating dental content that is both educational and drives readers to take action, I take a storybranding approach that makes the reader feel comfortable, informed, and trusting of our clients. Because dental procedures can be intimidating and having dental issues can be difficult to deal with, I use friendly and approachable language to show readers our clients understand their concerns and have the knowledge to answer their questions. Not only does this create engaging and meaningful content, but it also helps readers feel ready and empowered to contact our clients.

While writing engaging content is a major aspect of educating readers and converting them into high-quality clients, this process begins with blog topic research. When creating blog topics for dental content, I focus on our clients’ specific services and how those services can benefit readers. For example, instead of writing about the best toothbrushes, I’ll include topics about the benefits of implants or when readers should contact their dentist about tooth pain. These blogs help readers make the best decisions for their oral health and encourage them to make an appointment.

Hannah Kernal — Content Writer

One key aspect of our content strategy is to provide information that is not only informative but also extremely helpful for patients. Instead of focusing only on what a dental client can provide, we approach our work from a different perspective that prioritizes patient concerns.

Our whole team can create thoughtful blogs and pages by seriously considering what a potential dental patient would want to know. This kind of content converts because we make an effort to make patients feel heard and understood.

For instance, many patients will want to know what kind of dedication is necessary for the success of a particular procedure or treatment. Therefore, including information about how long healing will take, how many office visits a patient will need to make, and what aftercare is required can be extremely helpful. This approach helps patients prepare for their treatment and contributes to better outcomes.

Adding helpful information to potential patients does not mean we have to take the spotlight away from the dental practitioners themselves. On the contrary, we can still discuss how a particular provider is specially positioned to address specific issues. Some dentists focus on cosmetic improvements, others prioritize preventing disordered sleeping in children, and others prioritize treating those needing emergency support. 

We highlight what makes a particular dental provider special in addition to answering questions that a patient is likely to have. This tactic allows our clients to show themselves in a positive light, helps patients feel more informed, and encourages outstanding results.

Lindsay Bennett-Guido — Content Specialist

When people search for dental information, they often worry about specific issues, like whether a root canal will be painful or how long it will take to recover from a dental implant. Our approach to crafting dental content is centered on providing clear, reassuring answers to these questions. For example, when someone is anxious about getting a wisdom tooth removed, our content will walk them through the entire process, from what to expect during the procedure to how to manage pain afterward. By addressing these concerns directly and with empathy, we help readers feel more informed and less anxious about their dental care.

Trust is the foundation of any patient-dentist relationship, and that’s what our content aims to build. When we explain complex dental topics, we do so in a way that’s easy to understand, ensuring readers can make confident decisions about their treatment. By consistently delivering helpful and accurate information, we answer the questions people are searching for and increase conversions by establishing our clients as credible and reliable. Patients feel more comfortable choosing a dentist they can depend on for clear, honest advice.

Why Partner with Market My Market?

The content on your website needs to be more than just a fun read; ideally, it should be simultaneously educational and persuasive. At Market My Market, we specialize in crafting dental content that converts readers into patients. Our approach focuses on creating engaging, informative content that captures your audience’s attention and drives them to take action by calling your practice to schedule an appointment. By highlighting your practice’s unique strengths, we develop content strategies that resonate with potential clients and encourage them to make the next step.

Partnering with us means gaining access to a team committed to delivering transparency, real-time reporting, and tailored marketing strategies that align with your specific goals. We understand the unique needs of your dental practice and are dedicated to providing high-quality, results-driven content. Ready to see how our expert content can boost your practice? Call us at (800) 997-7336 or reach out through our online contact form today.