Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Brandi Nicklaus, Kelly Quintana, Isabel Skormin, and Anastasiya Raynor  

You may know how challenging it is to consistently create content that reflects your brand’s unique voice and stands out in the sea of online noise. Your brand voice is the key to connecting with your audience, but keeping it consistent might feel outside of your skill set. By harnessing the power of AI, experienced marketers can streamline your content creation and ensure your brand’s message remains clear and cohesive across a multitude of platforms.

At Market My Market, we utilize AI tools to assist with brainstorming, refining drafts, and maintaining your brand’s tone. Our team of in-house writers brings creativity, refinement, and a human touch to every piece. AI serves as a supportive tool, helping us work more efficiently and effectively so your content is always high-quality, engaging, and perfectly aligned with your brand voice.

Brandi Bellingham — Generative Content Specialist

As the Generative Content Specialist at Market My Market, I play a pivotal role in ensuring AI-generated content aligns with our clients’ brand voices. I create and refine prompts, which are the foundation for generating accurate and engaging AI content. By hosting a workshop on prompt engineering, I equipped our team with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively leverage AI tools, enhancing the overall quality and consistency of our content.

Continually editing AI content and the prompts used by our team allows me to adapt and fine-tune our approach so every piece of content we produce is not only relevant and engaging but also accurate to each client’s brand identity. One way we achieve this is through the creation of customized GPT models for each client. These models are trained specifically on the client’s brand guidelines, tone preferences, and industry-specific language.

Using AI in this manner allows us to streamline the content creation process while maintaining a high level of personalization. Each client’s GPT model acts as a virtual assistant, capable of understanding and mimicking their unique style and messaging nuances. Our team of human writers complements this AI-driven approach by infusing creativity, strategic insights, and human empathy into the content, ensuring it aligns with the client’s brand voice and objectives.

Kelly Quintana — Content Writer

As a content writer at Market My Market, my main job is to ensure all our content matches our clients’ brand voices. One trick we use a lot is this prompt: 

“You are a (type of lawyer/event planner/etc). Create a detailed outline for a (page/blog) about (topic) in (state/location/other specific). Feature no more than (#) headers. Include helpful external sources where necessary. Where possible, have headers phrased as questions.”

This prompt helps the AI think like a professional so the content stays relevant and personalized. The outline it creates gives our writers a clear plan, making it easy to blend in specific brand elements and tones. Focusing on detailed outlines ensures every piece of content is thorough and tailored to our clients’ needs. This method streamlines the content creation process, keeping our work high-quality and personalized.

Isabel Skormin — Writing Lead: Storybranding Specialist 

As the storybranding specialist, I am certified in creating unique, story-driven content for our clients that takes the reader on a journey, showing them why they need to hire our clients for their services. When approaching AI, it was important to me that we maintain the integrity of the storybranding framework in the output we receive from the GPTs. When we began our research into prompt engineering and experimented with different avenues to optimize our content with this new technology, it was my goal to develop a prompt that would uphold the elements of storybranding that we have perfected as a content team. 

One such prompt we use when writing the TLDR, or “Too Long Didn’t Read,” for all of our client’s pages has been perfected to uphold these key elements that define Market My Market’s unique content:

“Please summarize this entire article in 4 concise bullet points with a bolded word to describe each bullet point, using storybranding, natural language, a different topic for each point, and excluding the first two sentences of the first paragraph, each being 40 words or less:”

Using this prompt, we ensure that the TLDR, an essential aspect of every piece of content, does not read in a robotic voice that is not carried through in the rest of the piece. There should be no distinction between the tone of this part of the page and the rest of the writing. Another tip we have learned since experimenting with prompt engineering is that a simple “please” seems to go a long way in getting better results from the GPTs.

Transform Your Content Strategy with AI and Market My Market

Incorporating ChatGPT into your content strategy can revolutionize how you communicate your brand voice, making it more consistent, efficient, and impactful. By leveraging AI tools, you can streamline content creation, ensure uniformity across all platforms, and focus more on strategic initiatives that drive your business forward. 

Market My Market’s human writers use AI tools to supplement our writing to achieve a high-quality, personalized campaign that drives results. With our commitment to thought leadership and client success, we enhance your content without compromising your brand story. Learn more about our innovative content marketing strategies today by booking a discovery call at (800) 997-7336 or filling out a contact form