Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett-Guido, Tanner Mowery, Haley Green, Katie McLoughlin, and Hannah Kernal 

When writing about sensitive topics such as wrongful death or sexual assault, it can be challenging to strike a balance between being empathetic and informative. Putting yourself in the reader’s shoes to understand how they may feel and what information they seek in this vulnerable situation can help you cater these complex pieces to their unique needs. You can establish trust with your readers by informing with credible sources while maintaining a compassionate tone. 

At Market My Market, our team of experienced content writers understands the importance of approaching challenging topics with empathy and respect. We tailor our approach to every piece of content. When clients partner with our marketing specialists, they can trust us to create content that meets their readers’ needs and establishes their business as an authoritative and credible source.  

Tanner Mowery — Content Writer

As a professional content writer for a variety of different businesses, organizations, and law firms, there will come a point at which you are tasked with writing about a sensitive topic. Personally, I approach these difficult topics with the same level of attentiveness as any other piece of writing. When clients come to your website needing services, they put themselves in a vulnerable position, and the content must reflect that, no matter the subject. 

Any and all pieces should always be thoroughly researched and vetted for appropriate language. Your clients are looking not only for your services but also for your respect and authority. Demonstrating compassion and knowledge regarding their needs—especially when they encompass a particularly delicate subject—is a surefire way to gain their trust and write a good piece of content. 

Haley Green — Content Writer

Tackling sensitive topics requires more than good intentions. We know many legal topics can touch on personal and sensitive issues, so we approach them with the utmost respect. This means emphasizing doing our homework, engaging with empathy, and choosing our words thoughtfully.

It’s important to present information on difficult topics in a clear, easy-to-digest way without being offensive or oversimplified. We want everyone seeking information on these topics to feel seen and respected, no matter what we’re discussing. Our aim is always to enlighten and inform, never to sensationalize or diminish the significance of these issues.

Katie McLoughlin — Content Writer

When writing content for our clients, whether it be personal injury law, criminal defense law, or dental, I always approach each piece thinking about what the reader wants to know and how they feel when they search for the particular blog or page I’m creating. The same goes for sensitive topics that need to be handled respectfully. I put myself in the reader’s shoes and thoroughly research the topic to ensure it is handled delicately while providing accurate information.

At Market My Market, we always strive to do what’s best for our clients. When writing about complex topics, this means establishing trust between our clients and the readers through empathy and respect in addition to knowledge of and experience with the subject. By showing readers our clients understand their difficulties and are there to support them, they feel encouraged to seek our clients’ professional services while receiving the information they need to move forward and protect their best interests.

Need Content for Difficult Topics? Market My Market Can Provide Outstanding Results

When you need to write about a sensitive or complex topic, the process and approach must be as respectful and thoughtful as possible. At Market My Market, we understand how difficult handling a tough topic can be, and our writers are trained to write with personalizations for every company. This customized approach ensures client’s unique needs and preferences are met while maintaining their desired overall image.

If you need assistance with your marketing plan, whether you need to include complex content or not, we can help. We encourage you to reach out to us. You can schedule a discovery consultation by calling (866) 270-2250 or completing our contact form. Our team looks forward to meeting you and learning more about how we can help you meet your marketing goals.